+256 393 112088 (08:00 – 17:00 EAT)
1. About NCDC
The Uganda National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC) is an agency of the Government of Uganda under the Ministry of Education and Sports. NCDC was established by a decree No.7 (1973) under Act Cap 135 which was later revised in 2000 under the laws of Uganda. NCDC is mandated to develop and review curricula and other related instructional materials for Pre-Primary, Primary, Secondary, and some Tertiary Institutions. In addition, NCDC is responsible for organising capacity building courses for stakeholders on curriculum matters. In line with her mandate, NCDC prioritises research and dissemination of findings on curriculum matters.
2. About the conference
The ever-changing education environment and the labour market demands of the 21st century arising from ICT revolution, emerging of pandemics, climate change, gender and innovations have created challenges in the curriculum process. This calls for educationists to rethink how the curriculum should be designed and implemented to ensure the acquisition of the desired knowledge, skills, values and attitudes for social economic transformation. Therefore, it is important for educationists across the globe to converge and discuss strategies for holistic learning to ensure the achievement of the desired competencies
3. Purpose of the conference
The conference aims at bringing together stakeholders in education to share experiences and best practices on curriculum-related matters to be adapted to various contexts nationally and globally. Specific objectives of the conference are to:
(i) Interrogate curriculum innovations, philosophies, and approaches that address the education needs of the 21st century
(ii) Evaluate contemporary pedagogies applicable to the learner in the context of Africa.
(iii) Analyse the concept of assessment and evaluation of the curriculum in changing education environment
(iv) Promote collaboration between NCDC and other stakeholders for the achievement of quality and inclusive education through curriculum design and development
4. Thematic areas
(i) The 21st-century curriculum (design and development, implementation, assessment and evaluation, innovations, skills and pedagogies)
(ii) Localisation and decolonisation of the curriculum in Africa
(iii) The ICT revolution in education
(iv) Competency-based curriculum development and implementation
(v) Quality education for socio-economic transformation
(vi) Stakeholders’ involvement in education
(vii) Global Trends in Educational Reforms (viii) Current and future financing for curriculum development and implementation
5. Key Timelines
Submission of Abstract | 30th December 2022 |
Notice of Acceptance of Abstract | 07th January 2023 |
Early Registration | 15th February 2023 |
Submission of full paper | 28th February 2023 |
Notice of Acceptance of full paper | 15th March 2023 |
Late Registration | 10th April 2023 |
Submission of Presentation Slides | 17th April 2023 |
6. Instructions to Authors for submission of abstracts/papers
(i) The paper abstract should have the introduction, aim/purpose, objectives, methods, findings, implications, conclusions, and recommendations in 100-250 words
(ii) The author should give at most 5 keywords below the abstract.
(iii) The manuscripts should have between 3,500- and 8000-words excluding references
(iv) Language: British English;
(v) Margins: 25 mm margins all around; Line spacing: 1.5
(vi) Alignment: Justified
(vii) Font, Times New Roman 12; Line spacing of 1.5 across all sections of the manuscript
(viii) The recommendations should not have abbreviations and citations of literature
(ix) Footnotes and endnotes are not accepted.
(x) Referencing, APA style 7th edition.
(xi) Headings and sub-headings within the text should be short and clear. Only three levels of sub-headings per section will be accepted.
(xii) Tables, photos, graphs and figures should be chronologically numbered and followed by short explanatory text/notes
(xiii) Paragraphs should be separated by double spacing and not indented.
(xiv) Authors: First name, initials, surname, affiliations and e-mail address.
(xv) The file name should have your name and country and should be a word doc and not PDF.
(xvi) Images: High-resolution Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG or JPG) format.
(xvii) Full Papers should be submitted in the following format:
a. The title page should include: The Title of the paper, Names, affiliation, Complete postal address(es), Telephone numbers, E-mail address
b. The next page should include: Title of the paper, Abstract, Keywords (terms) that describe the paper
c. The detailed manuscript should include the following sections: Introduction/motivation, Problem investigated, Research objectives and questions/or hypotheses, Literature review, Research Methodology, Results/findings, discussion, Implications, conclusions, recommendation and limitations.
(xviii) Full papers will be published in conference proceedings
7. Please take NOTE
(i) Papers submitted will be double-blind peer reviewed by the Editorial Committee
(ii) Only original papers that have never been submitted to any conference or for publication in any format or journal should be submitted.
(iii) If an abstract is accepted, the author will be required to send a full-text paper, including results, tables, figures and references.
(iv) At least one author should register and attend the conference to present the paper.
(v) An author is not allowed to present more than two papers
(vi) Authors are requested to do a plagiarism test of the paper before submission as they will be fully liable for any cases of plagiarism.
(vii) Any paper found to have plagiarised work will be automatically disqualified.
Papers/abstracts should be submitted to:
Notification will be provided to the author
8. Conference Session Format
The conference will take place over two days and is structured in plenary keynote addresses, panels, paper/poster presentations, exhibitions and preceding workshops as below;
(i) Paper: 15 minutes presentation and 15 minutes for question and answer
(ii) Workshops: In-depth training or learning experiences
(iii) Exhibitions: Showcase products and innovations
9. Conference Registration & Fees
Registration fees cover admission to conference sessions, lunch, and coffee breaks
Registration Fees
SN | Category | Local participation | International participation |
(Physical / Virtual) | Physical Virtual | |
1 |
Paper presentation & attendance |
150,000/= | $100 $50 |
2 |
Poster presentation & attendance |
150,000/= | $100 $50 |
3 | Conference attendance | 150,000/= | $100 $50 |
4 | Exhibition | 1,000,000/= | $1000 $500 |
10. Payment Details
Account Name: NCDC Royalty Account Number: 9030005961431
Bank Name: Stanbic Bank Branch: Kyambogo
Send Bank slips to:,