Call for Proposals: Competitive Research Grant Scheme
The Competitive Research Grants Ad hoc Committee of Kyambogo University invites applications for the 8th call of funding under the Competitive Research Grants Scheme. The goal of the scheme is to strengthen the research capacity of the University. The objectives are to:
- Increase the volume and quality of research at Kyambogo University;
- Enhance the capacity of academic staff to supervise graduate students;
- Enhance the capacity for successful proposal grant
The Competitive Research Grants Ad hoc Committee calls for research proposals that are in line with the following:
- The Kyambogo University Research Agenda
- The National Development Plan III
- The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
Research Category
Category one: One-year research projects
The research grant is a one-time award, with the financial support of up to twenty-five million Ug Shillings (25,000,000/=) for Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences and up to forty million Ug Shillings (40,000,000/=) for Science-based proposals. The funding will allow an extra provision of up to five million Ug shillings (5,000,000/=) to purchase small equipment upon justification. (The purchased equipment will remain the property of the University).
Category two: Six months of research projects
The short-term research (not exceeding six months) will be funded to a maximum of fifteen million shillings (15,000,000/-). The choice of a project and why it is short-term has to be justified.
- Applicants shall be full-time Academic staff members of Kyambogo University.
- The Principal Investigator (PI) shall be a PhD holder. Female academic staff are encouraged to apply. The PI shall demonstrate how she/he will build capacity and mentor the team members.
- A PI on one project can be a Co-PI on not more than two running calls.
- Successful applicants of the previous Competitive Research Grants Calls (1st to 7th Call) can only apply as Principal Investigator (PI) after providing proof that their earlier research projects were completed and published or accepted to be published by reputable/credible publishers.
- The PI is encouraged to identify a graduate student to work with on the project.
The calls for competitive research grants will be uploaded on the Kyambogo University website and will also be disseminated by email.
Administration of the grants scheme
- At the end of the selection process, the Competitive Research Grants Ad hoc Committee will announce the successful applicants, who will be required to sign a contract with KyU.
- The University Accounting officer will then issue funds to the successful applicants according to the University’s financial regulations.
- Quarterly progress reports shall be submitted by the recipients to the Secretariat of the scheme.
- A final report shall be submitted as per the approved project time frame.
On completion, a recipient is required to:
- Disseminate the research findings during a scheduled conference(s) to be held at KyU;
- Submit an abstract (Maximum 500 words) after the conference for publication on the KyU website;
- Publish at least one article in a reputable/credible peer-reviewed journal;
- Submit the article for archiving in KyU Institutional Repository;
- Provide evidence that the student who was on the project has graduated;
Submit an end-of-project report.
Submission guidelines (Use KyU template)
The research proposal shall be written in Times New Roman, Font 12, single-spaced and with normal margins. Proposals should not exceed twelve pages. The proposal shall be submitted to the secretariat by the PI in both print and electronic formats to The proposal should consist of the following sections:
- Title Page. Include a precise research study title of not more than 20 words, name(s), Department, Faculty/School of the applicant(s) and names of the investigators.
- Project summary (Maximum of 300 words).
- Introduction (Maximum one page).
- Problem statement (Maximum half a page).
- Objectives and research questions/hypothesis (Maximum one page)
- Justification (Maximum half a page).
- Methodology (Maximum two pages). Attach separate quantitative and/or qualitative data collection tools.
- Implementation plan (Maximum one page).
- Contribution to gender, disability, other marginalized groups and/or any other cross-cutting issues. (Maximum half a page).
- (Use APA 6th edition, maximum one page).
- Budget and Budget Justification (Use KyU excel template).
- Applicant’s Curriculum Vitae (Maximum one page for PI and one page for Co- PI).
Selection Process
All proposals will be subjected to:
- Administrative review.
- External review.
- Selection by the committee.
All applicants will be notified of the status of their application after the review.