About our school
frica Reformation Theological Seminary seeks to glorify God by educating and equipping pastors and leaders to serve Christ’s church and advance His kingdom in Africa. Our mission is to train and equip pastors, preachers, church planters, biblical counselors and church leaders who have a passion for the gospel of grace and a zeal for building and multiplying healthy, strong, biblical, God-centered and Christ-exalting churches in Uganda, Africa and to the ends of the earth.
Africa needs trained pastors and leaders who will be able to equip a huge African Church in the Word of God for a worldwide harvest. Has God called you to the ministry of the gospel in Africa? Do you have a heart to reach the lost world with God’s transforming grace in Christ? Do you want to prepare for a life of serving and leading Christ’s church and advancing His kingdom in Africa? Do you want to be trained for leadership in prayer, preaching, pastoral ministry, evangelism, church planting, missions, children’s, youth, and women’s ministry, church revitalization, biblical counseling, and discipleship through Christian schools? Do you want to be equipped so that you can effectively equip Christ’s people for ministry? Do you have a bachelor’s degree and do you want to pursue affordable graduate level training?
Then Africa Reformation Theological Seminary may just be the place for you!
Application Forms and information, including the academic schedule, are available here. Application Forms may be emailed to admissions@arts.ac.ug. For inquiries, questions or assistance contact the provisional Office of Admissions at admissions@arts.ac.ug or call +256 75 506 1919.
Our Academic Programs
• Master of Divinity (116 credit hours)
• Master of Arts in Theological Studies with an emphasis in either Biblical Counseling, Christian Education, or Pastoral Leadership (84 credit hours)
Two Options for Enrollment Full-Time:
For those able to devote full time to their studies.
Two Intakes for Full-Time Students
Part-Time: Designed for busy pastors and church leaders.
The first intake is the January Term Greek courses starting in early January. This enrollment qualifies the student to enter semester 1 courses that begin in February. The second intake, for the MDiv program, is the June Term Hebrew Courses that qualifies MDiv students for semester 2 courses. For the MATS program, the second intake is semester 2 courses that start in August. ARTS strongly encourages all full-time students to enroll in January, if possible, since this will enable the student’s academic program to proceed most optimally.
Intakes for Part-Time Students
You may opt to enroll in any course in your program offered each academic semester according to your availability (as long as foundational courses and prerequisites are fulfilled) and as long as the program is completed in a 5 year period for MATS and 6 years for MDiv.
Student-Friendly Course Schedules
• Five day concentrated courses are offered in two terms: February through May, and August through November, with January term Greek and June Term Hebrew (Hebrew is required for MDiv only). • Students enroll in one course at a time, 6 hours per day for five days.
• Students complete assignments and papers during and after each course.
• Students may commute or reside on campus. Some ARTS Distinctives
• Students are welcome from all denominations and backgrounds;
• Experienced international teaching faculty; 80% doctorates or doctorial candidates;
• Accredited by the National Council of Higher Education of Uganda;
• Qualified students are admitted without regard to age, sex, color, race, tribe, citizenship, or ethnic origin; • Strong women’s ministry emphasis;
Fees Structure
Admission Fees - 0 Ushs
School fees range - 0Ushs to 0 Ushs
Phone: +256740269106 / +256755061919
Email: admissions@arts.ac.ug
District: Wakiso
County: Makindye Ssabagabo
Subcounty: Ndejje Division
Parish: Mutungo Ward
Address: Mutungo Kitiko Birongo