Hand in Hand community school
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Hand in Hand community school

Kasambya ”A” 21 Kilometer Off Mityana Town Along Mityana Kyamusisi Road

Primary Nursery & Kindergarten

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About our school

Hand in hand community school was initiated in the year 2017 at Kasambya ”A” village Kalangaalo sub-county Mityana District. It is under the foundation of Fr.Charles Convention Hand in Hand for a better life Kasambya in collaboration with the Hand in Hand German Team.


We have a UNEB center Number and a sitting center for our Candidates.Core values 
• God-fearing
• Hard working 
• Honesty
• Integrity

School statement

To produce God-fearing and Self-reliant children with knowledge and skills

Our vision

To provide quality and affordable education to all citizens

Our mission

To produce Academically, Morally upright and Disciplined Children.


 1. Baby to primary Two (Day scholars 120,000, Boarding scholars 350,000)

2. Primary Three-Primary Five (Day scholars 150,000, Boarding scholars 400,000

3. Primary six ( Day scholars 200,000, boarding scholars 450,000)

4. Primary Seven(500,000) all are supposed to be in boarding section.

School performance

Fees Structure

Admission Fees - 30,000 Ushs

School fees range - 120,000Ushs to 500,000 Ushs


District: Mityana

County: Mityana County North

Subcounty: Kalangaalo


Address: Kasambya ”A” 21 Kilometer Off Mityana Town Along Mityana Kyamusisi Road