- 1,400,000 - 2,200,000 (ushs) School fees range

About our school
The school was officially opened on 29 March 1906 with 21 boys. It was founded by the Church Missionary Society. It is one of the oldest schools in Uganda. The land on which it was built on was donated by the Kabaka of Buganda. The school was originally started a boys only school for the sons of chiefs and kings. In 1934 girls were also admitted making it a mixed-sex education school In late March 1979, the college staff evacuated the students and the remaining civilian population of Budo hill due to the Uganda–Tanzania War. The Libyan Armed Forces, allied with the Uganda Army at the time, subsequently set up camp at the facility. Soon after, the Tanzania People's Defence Force (TPDF) and Ugandan rebels attacked and overran the camp as part of Operation Dada Idi. About two dozen Libyans were killed and buried at a nearby mass grave. The TPDF consequently used the King's College Budo as base, and when it was reopened in June 1979, the students coexisted with the Tanzanian soldiers until the latter withdrew from Uganda.
School performance
No analysis available for this school!
Fees Structure
Admission Fees - 0 Ushs
School fees range - 1,400,000Ushs to 2,200,000 Ushs
Phone: +256414373760
Email: dhmbudo@gmail.com
District: Wakiso
County: Busiro County East
Subcounty: Kyengera Town Council
Parish: Bbuddo
Address: Naggalabi Hill