- 200,000 - 700,000 (ushs) School fees range

About our school
School Vision
Light Secondary School Soroti envisages improved access to secondary education by all
School Mission
To consolidate government efforts in Providing quality education to all through provision of accessible quality educational opportunities to all categories of students.
To expand educational infrastructures for increased access to education
To improve educational services to cater for special need students
School performance
No analysis available for this school!
Fees Structure
Admission Fees - 0 Ushs
School fees range - 200,000Ushs to 700,000 Ushs
Phone: +256772669642
Email: lightsssoroti@gmail.com
District: Soroti
County: Sororti West Division
Subcounty: Soroti West Division
Parish: Amen A Ward
Address: Nakatunyi