- 600,000 - 1,200,000 (ushs) School fees range

About our school
To provide excellent vocational training, research and consultancy for career growth and national development
A leader in Vocational skilling for empowerment and transformative development.
In order for the college to fulfill its mandate the following objectives are our Centre of focus;
1. To provide vocational skills training for employment entry, career growth and development
2. To upgrade the graduates of the BTVET institutions from craft level to technician level of the UVQF,
3. To provide upgrading training for workers in industries to cater for needs of the growing industries
4. To upgrade the skills of in-service instructors of BTVET Institutions sfsd
Vocational Diploma in Electrical Engineering
Vocational Diploma Automobile Engineering ( VDAE)
National Certificate in Electronics Technology ( NCET)
National Certificate in Electrical Installations Systems and Maintenance (NCES)
National Certificate in Plumbing ( NCPL)
National Certificate in Automotive Mechanics (NCAM)
National Certificate in Wood work Technology ( NCWT)
National Certificate in welding and fabrication ( NCWF)
National Certificate in Building Construction ( NCBC)
Fees Structure
Admission Fees - 30,000 Ushs
School fees range - 600,000Ushs to 1,200,000 Ushs
District: Kampala
County: Nakawa Division East
Subcounty: Nakawa Division
Parish: Nakawa
Address: Plot 96 , Jinja RD , Nakawa - Kampala - Uganda