- 470,000 - 600,000 (ushs) School fees range

About our school
UGAPRIVI Academy is a capacity building Institution existing within the structure of the mainstream Uganda Association of Private Vocational Innstitutions. Like the latter, it operates on national and regional levels. Its major aim is to upgrade the quality of it's members both in the field of management of Vocational-Training institutions and in terms of skills training delivery. Furthermor the Academy seeks to contribute to the sustainability of the Association by marketing demand driven trainings beyond its members.
UGAPRIVI Academy is an accredited centre by Directorate of Industrial Training with centre no.UVQF/5785, Certificate no. UG9280A , URSB No. 80034029350352
Activities of the UGAPRIVI Academy
for successful trainings the UGAPRIVI Academy needs to ensure the availability and compliance with the following;
-occupation profile of an instructor in Uganda
-occupation profile of a TVET manager in Uganda
-occupation profiles of any other occupations neccessary to be trained is in accordance to the training needs assessment made. -qualified & Experienced facilitators/trainers
-Appropriate timing of the training especially targeting the available time of the target group
-Accurate definition of the objectives and the target group
-Proper arrangements
-justified pricing of the unit cost of the training
-Activities which enhance co-operation and networking
collect, update and analyze data on training needs; identify appropriate trainings for members accordingly; identify marketable trainings for income-generation; develop annual training programmes; allocate unique training numbers to each training; marketing of training programmes; document trainings; devise folloe-up trainings; develop and establish accredited certification system; build up a pool of resource people.
UGAPRIVI Academy is capable of rolling out capacity-building trainings of at least;
- 500 instructors per region of the eight regions in pedagogic skills per annum bringing the total to 4000 per annum.
- 200 Managers/Administrators of private vocational training in management of TVET institutions per region per annum i eight regions bringing it to 1600 managers/administrators in TVET institutions per annum.
UGAPRIVI Academy has the minimum requirements to manage the trainings as it has done in the past, however this massive trainings require the acdemy to be equipped in the following areas:
outsource the facilitators and trainings experts; buy more computers and accessories; hire better infrastructures in regard to offices and workshops; acquire better transport facilities to ease coordination of the trainings; improve on the staff emolutions.
The Uganda Association of Private Vocational Institutions (UGAPRIVI) is an umbrella organization for Private Vocational Training Institutions in Uganda. It was established in the year 1998 and registered as a Non- Governmental Organization in the year 2000 under the NGO Statute 1989, on Registration No. S.5914/3350.
The Uganda Association of Private Vocational Institutions (UGAPRIVI) was formed to improve the quality and the image of private vocational institutions in Uganda, and to strengthen Technical, Vocational Education and Training TVET sector as a whole. Its main aim is to foster collaboration between private training institutions and to improve, not just the standards of the training provided, but also its relevance for the actual employment market. UGAPRIVI is a national organization with eight (8) regional offices covering all districts of the country. This ensures that poorer and structurally weaker areas are not left out of the initiative.
There are not enough appropriate opportunities for Ugandan youth to learn vocational skills in public TVET Institutions alone. Against the background of continually increasing numbers of school leavers and the low capacity of Government owned TVET Institutions, the private TVET institutions deserve increased attention. The promotion of TVET and its values is one of the major components of UGAPRIVI’s tasks.
The Private TVET institutions are among the most important providers of vocational
Uganda Association of Private Vocational Institutions has administrative structures who ensure its smooth running.
The General Assembly. The General Assembly is the extreme decision making body of UGAPRIVI and is a composition of fully paid up member Institutions, members from the Board of Trustees and the Board of Directors.
The Board of Trustees. This is composed of the outstanding Ugandan citizens with knowledge and interest in skills development. They are the custodians of UGAPRIVI property, do fundraising for UGAPRIVI upon request by the Board of Directors, act as arbitrators and ensure continuity of UGAPRIVI. Located at plot No 1218 Kisosonkole Road off Kabaka Anjagala Road opposite KCCA Mengo offices
The Board of Directors; are elected Directors of the member institutions and are responsible for recruitment and supervision of the administrative staff, policies review, lobby and advocacy, monitoring and implementation of the programmes and generally ensures proper functionality of the association.
UGAPRIVI Administrative Staff. These are the full time employed staff of UGAPRIVI and conduct day do day administration of its activities. There are Administrative staff at the National Secretariat and at the Regional offices.
To build a strong bedrock for pedagogical concerns, cultural perspectives, sustainable development, and universal ethics for national building amongst private vocational training institutions (PVTIS).
To enhance unity and development and provide facilities for collaboration, networking and partnership between PVTIS and other actors.
- To initiate and support demand driven employment-oriented vocational training relevance for the actual job market.
- To mediate and interface between its members, and develop strategic alliances with, private sector, Government, internal and external development partners.
- To establish effective management systems for the implementation of development projects;
- To lobby and advocate at government and Institutional level.
- To offer training for the management and staff of private vocational training.
- To support the development of quality standards and monitoring
- To develop, provide and commercialize customer oriented services.
Problem Statement
Following the unavoidable policy changes coming into vocational education and training, ranging from the roll out of the competence based TVET Curriculum between 2016-2020 in National certificates offered at UGAPRIVI Institutions by National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC), the government of Uganda cabinet approval of the TVET Policy 2019 giving guidance that all TVET training programmes, curriculum, assessment, management of institutions and methods of content delivery should be “employer-led” and coupled with the roll out of the modularized curriculum content by Uganda Business and Technical Examinations Board (UBTEB) in 2022, TVET trainers and instructors have not been supported to upscale the level of their hands-on skills competences to match with those required in the world of work to guarantee the transfer of similar skills to the trainees during skills transfer. In the similar way, trainers and instructors have remained using the out dated methods of delivering training as opposed to the new approaches of active teaching and learning methods required for the current modularized training through production among others. According to (Akol, 2023), the curriculum content and equipment availability in training institutions shall never be a problem in enabling trainees acquire competitive skills and competences but the problem relies entirely on the instructors skills, knowledge and agility in delivery approaches for the content. This is evident in some vocational training institutions that were supported with the state of art training equipment without instructors up skilling empowerment in the current technologies demanded in the world of work have left the training equipment redundant and the training delivery not being able to use the provided equipment. In such institutions, trainees have continued graduating when they are either half baked, in-competent and non-competitive in the job market or disappointed. Aware that one cannot create a hand-son skills job when he/she is not able to perform the tasks required of that job to meet the expectations and competition in the job market. Also that lack of TVET graduate expertise has not only supported innovation and creativity but also economy. The low skills level attainment and outdated practices among the TVET trainers and instructors has not only remained unattended but rather neglected yet it is central to the acquisition of competitive skills required in the job market and economy. Instructor competences required to transfer competitive hands-on skills to trainees is below 40% (Akol, 2022). That a TVET trainer or instructor is not able to transfer what he/she does not possess and beyond what he/she can perform. This, therefore, justifies the need for the TVET stakeholders to appreciate instructor up skilling and active teaching and learning empowerment as the way to activate creativity and innovation among the trainers, trainees and graduates.
Target Population/Group
UGAPRIVI is targeting to upscale competitive skills training for 4800 in-service trainers and instructors to be selected from the 862 UGAPRIVI registered member institution across Uganda. For an impact to be realized at a given institution, an average of 6 instructors shall at least need be trained.
Training Methodology and Implementation Strategies.
The up skilling and training for in-service instructors shall be implemented in a phased period of 5 years. With each academic year taking an average 800 instructors and trainers to be selected from about 150 UGAPRIVI registered member institutions. Ina total period of five years, all the target population and registered UGAPRIVI institutions shall have been covered and competitive vocational education and training skilling policy, and competence based assessment revitalized.
UGAPRIVI, in response to the demands from its members to re-train and upgrade the skills and competences to match with the current job market skills and TVET sector reforms, identified the need to empower the in-service instructors with competitive job market required skills, modern techniques and approaches of delivering the modularized and competence based curriculum content for effective training delivery in Uganda. This is considered ideal to have not only skilled but competent TVET trainers and instructors as a pre-condition to the success of implementing and achieving the goal of the TVET reforms and policies. It will also enable the trainers to have the capacity to transform training delivery that empowers its trainees and graduates with competitive, creative and innovative skills required in the job market. This training shall make contributions to the reduction of unemployment among the citizens and shall work as a marketing strategy to attract the public to appreciate the role of TVET in the development of Uganda’s economy, family and individual livelihood and development.
To appreciate the contribution of this training, continuous development certificate shall be awarded to the Instructors who would have shown proficiency and competency in their respective areas of expertise. UGAPRIVI in partnership with the industries, practicing experts in various sectors in the world of work, Kaliote Technical Teacher Training Institute, DIT Assessment officers, UBTEB Assessment officers shall participate in conducting the face to face contact training and industrial practical training to the instructors. The practical instructor assessment after training shall be carried out in the industrial setting practically to ascertain the level of competency for the instructors as opposed to theoretical approach of assessment. This an urgent intervention required to bridge any glaring gaps between what is being done at the training institutions and the world of work. It will also become a pillar in the implementation of the TVET policy reforms particularly in promoting training through production.
Among other areas of concern, the training shall focus on the following
- Hands-on skills and competence upgrade training
- Industrial attachment and training delivery on world of work sites.
- Practical use of ICT in TVET content delivery
- Training delivery preparations, execution, assessment and records handling
- Training ethics and practice of instructors
- UGAPRIVI membership registration and skills development
- Training through production for sustainability and competitiveness
The UGAPRIVI in-service training shall be conducted and organized by UGAPRIVI through its academy. The training sessions shall be organized during recess/holidays as shall be determined by the Ministry of Education and Sports calendar for Farm, Vocational, Technical Institutes and Schools and Community Polytechnics.
Training Programme
Session |
Months of the Year |
No. of Days |
Estimated Hours |
Activity |
Venue |
1 |
August |
9 |
80 |
Face to Face |
UGAPRIVI Academy |
November-December |
40 |
480 |
Industrial attachment and Training |
World of work |
2 |
January |
9 |
81 |
Industrial attachment and training |
UGAPRIVI Academy |
March-April |
45 |
240 |
Training Practice & Assessment |
UGAPRINI Institutions |
3 |
May |
2 |
18 |
Graduation & Awards |
UGAPRIVI Academy |
pedagogy skills, entrepreneurship skills, information communication technology, management of TVET institutions, fashion and design, project planning and management, monitoring and evaluation, other training in accordance with the training needs assessment.
GIZ, this was in until 2012 having different organisations that formed the current GIZ, these include the following GTZ, Inwent, DED, PEVOT
Africa Development Bank in training 500 instructors in certificate of Instructor in Technical Teacher Education of kyambogo University.
VET Tool Box, this is a consortium of the European nations who sponsored the Instructor training of the Master Trainers in the year 2019 & 2020 Master trainers were trained.
European Union, World Bank.
we had a refresher instructor training and its still ongoing which had more than 250 instructors.
we are going to have Assessors training by DIT starting from 20th may 2024 up to 30th may 2024 at gayaza technical
School performance
Fees Structure
Registration Fees - 125,000 Ushs
Admission Fees - 0 Ushs
School fees range - 470,000Ushs to 600,000 Ushs
District: Luweero
County: Kyadondo County East
Subcounty: Kasangati Town Council
Parish: Bulamu
Address: Physical Address: Plot No 1218, Kisosonkole Close, off Kabaka Anjagala Road Opposite KCCA Rubaga Division offices. West of Kampala City P. O. Box 27305 Kampala – Uganda